Milestones & Purchases

Planning For The Adventure Of Life

As you progress through life, you will probably make major purchases like buying your first home, perhaps acquiring a cottage and financing your children's post-secondary education. By planning properly, you can ensure you're in a good position to meet your own and your family's needs.

Getting To Where You Need To Go

Everyone's needs are different even if they are pursuing the same financial goal. We can respond to your individuality by offering you a multitude of investment choices. These range from GICs to bonds to stocks to mutual funds to insurance policies and much more. This means you and your Investment Advisor can select the investments that are best suited for attaining your objectives.

Finding A Partner Who Can Guide You

No one can predict the future, but you can plan for it. At CIBC Wood Gundy, our Investment Advisors are well-versed in the various strategies you can use in the various stages of your life. They can work with you to make sure that you have a plan in place to meet the financial aspirations you've set for yourself and your family.

Together, with your Investment Advisor, you can work towards meeting your personal goals in:

Let's Talk

Your CIBC Wood Gundy Investment Advisor is dedicated to providing you with one to one expertise in all aspects of your financial life. To find out how we can help you, use our Find An AdvisorOpens a new window in your browser. tool to locate a CIBC Wood Gundy Investment Advisor near you.