RESP Mutual Funds

Plan Today To Secure Your Child's Future Tomorrow

Your child's post-secondary education may seem a long way off, but the financial steps you take now can make a significant impact later. Careful education planning today can help you deal with the continually rising costs of a post-secondary education down the road. A tax-effective way to save for your child's education is through a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP).

With an RESP you can contribute a lifetime maximum of $50,000. The funds in the plan grow tax-deferred during the lifetime of the plan. Plus, the government may pay a Canada Education Savings Grant of up to $500 per child (beneficiary) per year.

Gain The Benefits Of Mutual Funds

Within an RESP you have the choice of holding a variety of investment types including mutual funds. With our Fund Partner plan, you can gain the benefits of mutual funds to grow the funds within the plan. Mutual funds can be an important part of an overall investment plan, offering diversification and risk management.

Get Access To Over 100 Mutual Funds

The Fund Partner registered account is designed to provide you with a choice of more than 100 mutual funds. As part of our service, you will also enjoy simplified reporting of your holdings at least once every quarter and also for each month your account has activity. Eligible investments for Fund Partner accounts include:

  • CIBC Mutual Funds
  • Talvest Mutual Funds
  • Renaissance Mutual Funds

Study Up On Your Options

At CIBC Wood Gundy, successful investing begins with developing a personalized relationship between you and your Investment Advisor. Our number one priority is working one to one with each client to help you achieve your financial goals. To find out how we can help you, use our Find An AdvisorOpens a new window in your browser. tool to locate a CIBC Wood Gundy Investment Advisor near you.

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